2019 VBS: To Mars and Beyond!

It's time to register for our 2019 Vacation Bible School: To Mars and Beyond!
CLICK HERE to register your child for VBS: nursery through 5th grade participants.
CLICK HERE to register to help at VBS, either as a youth (completed 6th through 12th grade) or an adult (18+).
More information available soon, but if you have any questions, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 936.336.6401.
Coming Soon
Wednesday, April 18 at 6 pm
Churchwide Potluck Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday, April 21 from 9a to 2p
Bishop Scott Jones teaches on Evangelism at Woodcrest UMC, Lumberton
Sunday, April 22 at 11a
Called Charge Conference & Administrative Council in the Chapel
Tuesday, April 24 at 7p
SOS Spring Banquet in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, April 29 at 10a
Noah's Ark Worship Celebration in the Sanctuary
followed by a Potluck Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday, May 5th from 7a to 2p
Youth-Sponsored Garage Sale in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday, May 12th at 9:30a
Bishop Scott Jones Livestream in the Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, May 16th at 6p
Churchwide Potluck Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
Thursday, May 17th
Noah's Ark Pre-K Graduation and Last Day of School
Pentecost Sunday, May 20th at 10a
Festival Worship in the Sanctuary
followed by Lunch and Movie The Way in the Fellowship Hall
May 31st from 2p to 7p
Blood Drive in the Fellowship Hall