Liberty, Texas

April 2016

Dear Friends,


               We will be starting a new Bible study at the Wednesday evening Chapel Service on April 6th.  We will be using the “Immersion Bible Study” on Matthew.   Each participant will need a book and the books are $10.  I have missed this time during the Lenten Season and look forward to our time together.  We will have a time of communion at the close of the service.  We meet from 5:15 - 6:00 pm.

               Ray, Deborah and I spent last Monday in Deweyville along with about 50 other Methodists from around the District and the Conference office.  Ray worked on a private home, Deborah worked with a group going door to door to register people and their needs, and I worked in the Deweyville church.  The group accomplished a lot but the recovery work has only begun.  Volunteers are still needed and I will keep you informed as to other opportunities.  Please keep all people who have been harmed by the recent flood in your prayers and if you can help financially please give to the recovery effort by simply designating Flood Relief on your check or envelope.   






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First United Methodist Church - P.O. Box 469 - Liberty, TX 77575
Phone: 936-336-6401 - Fax: 936-336-7684
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